Here is a script to copy a VM and than rename the disk name


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「日行一善」行動,Google的One Today每天一元捐款App 如果有一款App,可以讓你每天花一塊錢做慈善 

每天,One Today會推薦你一項慈善計畫,使用者如果有意願,便能捐贈一美元的金額──不能多也不能少,但可以推薦給朋友,若是他們也捐款的話,One Today則會幫你累計同等的金額,所以如果你分享的朋友有99人捐款,「帳面」上看起來就像你捐了100美元一般,而且與一般應用Google Play商店會抽成不同,你的捐款在扣除信用卡的手續費後,將會完全進入被捐款單位的帳戶中。

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Can't find dependent libraries


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Lost datastore in ESXi 4

I switch 2 disks to switch between esx and xenServer in my r710.

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作者 Sarmin (可口奶滋)
標題 [分享] 不堪回首的前男友

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Cannot install USB unifying receiver in windows 7 64bit

USB Receiver: No driver found

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  • Run the 2 commands by administrator role:

 netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=nolnol key=opopopop

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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。

Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo and change enabled=0 to 1 in base options

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